Posted 3/1/06BAKERSFIELD - A new website is helping people track registered sex offenders nationwide and it’s called “familywatchdog.us”.
The creation of the Website was prompted by recent kidnappings and sexual crimes across the country.
According to Steve Roddell, “We've taken the sex offender from 44 states and we've taken that information and we made it mappable.”
The site is clickable and color coded, from crimes against children to rape, in just seconds.
Concerned parent Jamie Schroeder said she had no idea so many sex offenders live in her neighborhood.
For example, KGET learned that Bakersfield is home to more than 600 registered sex offenders.
“We update our information daily, so at any point we should be no more than 24 hours behind them,” Roddell said.
“The biggest thing though, is that it's a national site, so you will see people in California that have moved there from Virginia,” he adds. KGET checked three randomly selected sex offenders which all lived at their addresses.
And, local attorney Max Koenig says, posting this information is fair game.
“The Federal Constitution limits the federal government and it's interaction with citizens, now the private citizen can do things the government is prohibited from doing,” he said.
Meantime, locals can stay in the know through the click of a mouse, by New Age Technology from Carmel, Indiana to Bakersfield.
The Website is privately owned and based in Indiana.
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