Web lists simplify sex offender search
Posted: Tuesday, Feb 07, 2006 - 11:37:14 am
CSTBy Jen SchererDaily
News staff writer
Now that Wisconsin's Sex Offender registry Web site lists the addresses of convicted offenders, it's easier than ever to see who's really living right next door.In Wisconsin, neighborhoods are not always notified when a sex offender moves in; notification levels are determined on a case by case basis. And only those people under court supervision have restrictions on where they can live, even if they are on the registry.According to the state sex offender Web site, people frequently want to know why sex offenders are allowed to live near schools, parks, day care centers or bus stops.The answer is that before an offender who will be on supervision is released from prison, a Community Corrections Agent does a residence investigation.
“When investigating a potential residence for a sex offender with a history of crimes against children, the agent will check with County Departments of Human Services and the Wisconsin Department of Health and Family Services to determine if there are licensed or certified day care facilities in the proposed neighborhood. The agent then determines the most appropriate residence for the offender and for public safety that is available at the time,” according to the site.However, parks, schools, and day care centers are located throughout every community in the state, the site explains. The agent considers community safety, family support, employment, and a stable residence in determining where a released offender should live.The upshot is, under supervision or not, child sex offenders may currently live near a school or park, and quite a few do.People who want to know where registered offenders currently reside, for awareness purposes only, can visit the state Web site at http://offender.doc.state.wi.us/public/. However, the state's site allows people to search by name or by zip code only. The people must then click on a name from the list to see where the registered offender lives.Another option comes in the form of free national Web sites that map the offenders who live around any address plugged into the site. Both http://www.mapsexoffenders.com/ and http://www.familywatchdog.us/ allow people to type in an address and see a map with markers identifying the homes of sex offenders in the area.The “familywatchdog” Web site uses a color-coded map key to signify the type of sex crime the people are convicted of. That being said, a test of the site revealed that some people who were guilty of crimes against children appear on the map in other categories. The best plan, to ensure accurate information, is to cross reference information from these sites with the state Web site.On both mapping sites, people can register to receive updates by e-mail when sex offenders move into a neighborhood and can receive tips to protect their children.On all sites, the person's photograph is available, along with a general description, and information about what the person was convicted of.Sex offender laws are different in Illinois, as is the state sex offender Web site, which is http://www.isp.state.il.us/sor/. In Illinois, people can type in a zip code and a list of people, with addresses included, pops up, making it easier to immediately see if an offender lives next door.In Illinois, child sex offenders can't knowingly live within 500 feet of a school or a daycare, nor can they loiter near a park or building where there are children under the age of 18, unless accompanied by his or her own child. The only exception to the restriction on living area is if the offender owned the property and it was their primary living area, before Jan. 1.Neither Illinois nor Wisconsin allows a child sex offender to work with or volunteer with children.
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