Forget Neverland! Moms Beware of Congress!
Erin Kotecki Vest
If my Mom-senses are correct, the resignation of Congressman Mark Foley (R-FL) means I can add Congressman to the ever-growing list of suspicious individuals.
Just to review: I can't take my kids to any church, school, the ride to or from school, after-school activities, a hospital, therapy, and now...Capitol Hill.
If you are brave enough to Google "accused of molestation" you will find over a million pages of links. If you are brave enough to track sex-offenders in your area, you'll find them living down the block, near the grocery store, or next to your babysitter's house.
While no one is accusing the former Congressman of touching anyone inappropriately, he's now got parents of America thinking twice about letting their teen help Rock the Vote this November. While we may never know what the Congressman actually wrote, you can bet any 16-year-old using their Instant Messenger to contact a public official will get a "Hey Johnny, let Mommy see that IM" instead of "Isn't our Johnny great! He's getting involved in politics so young!"
Once again it's the kids and parents getting screwed. Once again my job gets harder. Once again the country is "shocked" and "disappointed" in a public figure. The story is getting really old. Maybe at the next PTA meeting we should discuss all those in our community who are NOT accused of something inappropriate with a child, instead of those who are.
According to FamilyWatchdog, one in FIVE children has been sexually propositioned on the Internet and 90-percent of all sexual assaults are committed by someone the child KNOWS. They are teachers, priests, pastors, coaches, troop leaders, hospital workers, bus drivers, and celebrities. These days danger for our children can come in ANY packaging, even the country's "moral" Republican Congressmen.
So as I make a mental note that "Congressman" and "Priest" now share the same list, I'll also make a note to keep this in mind come election time, and the next PTA meeting, and at the little league game, and on the bus, and...
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