Tuesday Letters to the Press
Posted by the Asbury Park Press
on 03/21/06
Web site tracks area offenders
Your series on sex offenders was excellent. ("Tracking sex offenders," March 5-7.) Readers of your paper should benefit immensely, as you provided them with suggestions about what they should do to educate their children.
As you point out, Megan's Law is ineffective. That is why I am an advocate of Jessica's Law in Florida, which is now being adopted by many states. New Jersey must adopt this law, which puts sex offenders away for 25 years.
My neighbor, who walks his children every day to the bus stop, told me he checks the Internet to find out where sex offenders live in our area. There is a great site, http://www.familywatchdog.us/. Put in your address and you get a listing and photos of registered sex offenders in your area.
In August, I asked the West Long Branch mayor and Borough Council to pass sex offender laws restricting where convicted sex offenders could live. I strongly urge passage of these laws. Children must come first.
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